If possible, it depends on what you need in your form, you can use ng-change for checkbox and ng-show or ng-if in the input.
This could be the checkbox code and the input ...
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="activo" ng-change="activar()">
<input type="text" ng-show="activarInput" name="input1">
<input type="text" ng-show="activarInput" name="input2">
Here you can define an initial value of the checkbox, by default we will leave it in false, in the controller we would have the following.
var app = angular.module("app", [])
app.controller("appCtrl", function(){
$scope.activo = false;
//lo sigiente activa o desactiva los input
//suponiendo que se activen los dos al mismo tiempo
$scope.activarInput = false;
$scope.activar = function(){
$scope.activo = true;
$scope.activarInput = true;
I hope this is what you need, regards.