Consultation on 2 lists in python and mathematics


I have 2 lists

lista1 = ["R1","R1","R2","R3","R4","R5","R6"]
lista2 = ["Frase 1","Frase 2","Frase 3","Frase 4","Frase 5","Frase 6"]

I would like ALL the 'Rx' in the list1 to be combined with ALL of the list2. Not sequentially, but randomly. For example:

  • R1 with Phrase 3
  • R1 with Phrase 4
  • etc

In the same way, the other R, but checking that no R would double their combination. If I have 6 Rs and 6 sentences the combination would be 6 x 6 = 36. Can someone help me please?

asked by papabomay 19.04.2016 в 17:50

1 answer


If you want all the possible combinations, you can use the Cartesian product of both lists using itertools.product :

>>> import itertools
>>> lista1 = ["R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5", "R6"]
>>> lista2 = ["Frase 1", "Frase 2", "Frase 3", "Frase 4", "Frase 5", "Frase 6"]
>>> combinaciones = list(itertools.product(lista1, lista2))
>>> len(combinaciones)
>>> combinaciones
[('R1', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 6')]

If you want to choose a combination at random you can use random.choice :

>>> import random
>>> random.choice(combinaciones)
('R2', 'Frase 6')
>>> random.choice(combinaciones)
('R6', 'Frase 4')
>>> random.choice(combinaciones)
('R4', 'Frase 2')


It is true that when using random.choice it is possible that at some point one will repeat. In that case, a solution may be to apply a random.shuffle and go consume the elements from the beginning to the end:

>>> random.shuffle(combinaciones)
>>> combinaciones
[('R6', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R4', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 5'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R1', 'Frase 6'),
 ('R6', 'Frase 3'),
 ('R2', 'Frase 2'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 1'),
 ('R5', 'Frase 4'),
 ('R3', 'Frase 5')]

The variable combinaciones is a list of tuples , to access Rx and FraseX you only have to access the position 0 and 1 of each tuple. Considering the "shuffleada" list above:

>>> rx = combinaciones[0][0]
>>> rx
>>> frase = combinaciones[0][1]
>>> frase
'Frase 4'

Or downloading the content directly in two variables:

>>> rx, frase = combinaciones[0]
>>> rx
>>> frase
'Frase 4'
answered by 19.04.2016 / 18:03