As you can configure the time zone for mongodb, when you insert an insert in mongo with new Date (), you register 5 additional hours. for example:
db.publication.insert ({_ id: 1, date: new Date ()}); WriteResult ({"nInserted": 1}) db.publication.findOne (_id: 1) 2016-10-19T14: 08: 22.156-0500 SyntaxError: Unexpected token: db.publication.findOne ({_ id: 1}) {"_id": 1, "date": ISODate ("2016-10-19T19: 08: 14.027Z")}
I consider making a method to set this time to my local time, in this case -5 hours for Colombia, but if it is possible to make modification to the mongodb server I would prefer to do this, but I do not know if it can be done.