Migrate SQL Server database to Oracle


I'm trying to migrate a database from SQL Server to Oracle , for this I'm using Oracle SQL Developer as suggested by the following Oracle Tutorial , which has the following sections:

  • Connection: 1. Install Oracle SQL Developer 2. Create and configure migration repository:

a) Assign permissions: Grant connect, resource, create session, create view to migration_repo identified by migration_repo;

b) Connect to created repository:

Nombre de Conexión: migration_repo 
Usuario: migration_repo 
Contraseña: migration_repo 

C) Associate Repository: Tools / Migration / Repository Management / Create Repository, choose " migration_repo "

3. Connect to third party database

  • Capture
  • Convert
  • Transfer
  • Generate
  • Move Data

I follow the previous steps, but at the end of the transfer section I get the following error:


<message>Error:ORA-06550: línea 1, columna 14:
    PLS-00201: el identificador 'SS2K5ALLPLATFORM.STAGECAPTURE' se debe declarar
    ORA-06550: línea 1, columna 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    : FAILED : Migración de Base de Datos : FAILED</message>

Complete Log Information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="no"?>
Enterprise Capture
Capture failed.  Refer to MIGRLOG table in the repository for details</message>
    <message>oracle.dbtools.migration.workbench.core.ui.FullMigrateTask$FullMigrateTaskException: Capture
Enterprise Capture
Capture failed.  Refer to MIGRLOG table in the repository for details</message>

  <message>Error:ORA-06550: línea 1, columna 14:
PLS-00201: el identificador 'SS2K5ALLPLATFORM.STAGECAPTURE' se debe declarar
ORA-06550: línea 1, columna 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
: FAILED : Migración de Base de Datos : FAILED</message>


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Oracle 11g V2
  • Oracle SQL Developer
  • Java (TM) 1.80_60
  • jtds-1.2-dist
asked by Goerman 02.06.2016 в 00:37

1 answer


I do not know if it's the best solution, but I solved the situation with the following steps.

  • Modify the privileges of the migration repository Grant ALL PRIVILEGES to migration_repo identified by migration_repo;
  • Remove repository created "migration_repo"
  • Delete connection to migration_repo
  • Start again with the tutorial steps
  • answered by 02.06.2016 в 18:06