I'm having a problem when it comes to bringing the database records, I have an inventory system of some technological equipment, each one has an asset code, but an asset code can be on several computers since an asset can be made up of several computers for example: cpu, keyboard, mouse, etc.
At the same time there are teams that do not have an asset code, so the code of them is "N / A".
The problem is that when extracting the data from several tables, I am having too many duplicates.
I have the following query:
select activo_fijo.id_activo,codigo_activo, codigo_ebye,
(select marca_modelo_idcpu(cpu.id_cpu) as cpu),
(select marca_modelo_idlaptop(laptop.id_laptop) as laptop),
cpu.id_cpu, laptop.id_laptop
from activo_fijo
left join cpu on cpu.id_activo = activo_fijo.id_activo
left join laptop on laptop.id_activo = activo_fijo.id_activo
where (laptop.id_laptop IS NOT NULL or cpu.id_cpu IS NOT NULL)
This gives me the following results:
As you can see, the registers are repeating n times for each cpu with "N / A" code and n times for each laptop with "N / A" code
I tried too:
select activo_fijo.id_activo,codigo_activo, codigo_ebye,
(select marca_modelo_idcpu(cpu.id_cpu) as cpu),
(select marca_modelo_idlaptop(laptop.id_laptop) as laptop),
cpu.id_cpu, laptop.id_laptop
from activo_fijo
full outer join cpu on cpu.id_activo = activo_fijo.id_activo
full outerjoin laptop on laptop.id_activo = activo_fijo.id_activo
where (laptop.id_laptop IS NULL or cpu.id_cpu IS NULL)
But that query returns all the cpu and laptop that do not have "N / A" code, so equipment is lost.
How could I eliminate those duplicates? Without losing data.
The schema of the database is as follows:
This is what I get now:
This is what I hope to get:
That is to say that the 347 cpus are listed, then the laptops, and the other equipment, but without repeating, for example, the 346 cpu with the ids of laptops.