I need to show the matching records of two tables, sorted by date. I can show them in the way I show in my code, but of course, first show the data of one table and then the other. I think the necessary thing is to join the two consultations, but I can not do it. I will appreciate any suggestions. Greetings!
$queryFC = "SELECT COM.id_facturadeventa, COM.id_cliente, COM.FacturadorTalonario, COM.TipoDeComprobante, COM.FacturaLetra, COM.facturaNumero, COM.FechaDeFactura, COM.total,COM.total, COM.Anulada, COM.Estado
FROM comprobantes COM
WHERE COM.id_cliente = '$cliente'
ORDER BY COM.FechaDeFactura DESC";
$query = "SELECT VAL.id_valrecibido, VAL.id_recibo, VAL.id_facturadeventa, VAL.id_notadecredito, VAL.tipovalor, VAL.numerovalor, VAL.banco, VAL.provinciaIIBB, VAL.cuentabancaria, VAL.caja, VAL.numretencion, VAL.bancoprovincia, VAL.bancoprovinciaValor, VAL.vencimiento, VAL.importe, VAL.ActivoNoActivo, REC.id_cliente, REC.fechaCobro, REC.fechaImputacion, REC.recibo_numero, CLI.razonsocial
FROM cobranzas_valrecibidos VAL
LEFT JOIN cobranzas_recibos REC ON VAL.id_recibo = REC.id_recibo
LEFT JOIN clientes CLI ON CLI.id_cliente = REC.id_cliente
WHERE REC.id_cliente = '$cliente'
ORDER BY REC.fechaCobro DESC";
if(!($resultadoFC = $mysqli->query($queryFC))) {
echo "Error al ejecutar la sentencia <b>$queryFC</b>: " . $mysqli->error . "\n";
if(!($resultado = $mysqli->query($query))) {
echo "Error al ejecutar la sentencia <b>$query</b>: " . $mysqli->error . "\n";
while($EstCta = $resultadoFC->fetch_array()) {
echo '
<td>'.$EstCta['FechaDeFactura'] .'</td>
<td class="totalfactura">'.$EstCta['total'].'</td>
<td> </td>
while($EstCta = $resultado->fetch_array()) {
echo '
<td> </td>
<td class="importevalor">'.$EstCta['importe'].'</td>