I have the following query:
$analisis = "SELECT usuario, users.nombre AS 'nombre', users.email AS
'email', SUM(monto) AS 'monto_total',
COUNT( usuario ) AS 'num'
FROM pedidos
INNER JOIN users ON (pedidos.usuario=users.idusuario)
WHERE status_pedido = 'ENTREGADO'
GROUP BY 'usuario', 'monto', nombre, email
LIMIT 0 , $limit_end";
This query allows me to obtain a table with the following data:
Usuario, Nombre, Email, Cantidad de Pedidos y el Total
In the table Orders I have a column with the name date which is a timestamp. I would like to know if it is possible to filter the results by the ones corresponding to the current month, I have several declarations of reference variables to dates that allows me for other functions to execute particular things but I can not manage to give the instruction to my query that it also filters WHERE date is equal to the current month.
$start = time();
$fecha_act = date("y-m-d H:i:s",$start);
$fads = strftime("%A %d de %B del %Y");
$fecha_actual_sistema = strftime("%Y/%m/%d");
$fecha_sistema = date("Y/m/d");
$dia = "";
$mes = strftime("%B");
$mes_de_pago_actual = strftime("%B/%Y");
$mes_fecha_sistema = date("m/Y");