Get type of an entity framework property


Good morning,

You would need to obtain, at run time, the corresponding property data type:

foreach(string  unaPropiedad in listColumnNames)
   PropertyInfo prop= prop.propertyType;
   Type tipo= Type.GetTypeCode(prop);
    switch (tipo)
        case TypeCode.Byte:


When I consult the type in switch I always receive the base type Object not the type of the property in question. Any idea or alternative to focus this?

Thank you.

asked by Kram_ 23.08.2016 в 17:51

3 answers


The following code works correctly for me

public class clsEntidad
    public byte prop1 { get; set; }
    public string prop2 { get; set; }

private void TestReflection()
    string[] listColumnNames = new string[] { "prop1", "prop2" };

    clsEntidad entity = new clsEntidad();

    foreach (string unaPropiedad in listColumnNames)
        var prop = entity.GetType().GetProperty(unaPropiedad);
        //PropertyInfo prop = prop.PropertyType;
        TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(prop.PropertyType);
        switch (typeCode)
            case TypeCode.Byte:



You'll see that from the Type you get the TypeCode

answered by 23.08.2016 в 18:31

In your case I would solve it this way:

This line clsEntidad.getype().getproperty(unaPropiedad); should replace it with:

var prop = typeof(clsEntidad).GetProperty(unaPropiedad);

You are using the enumerated TypeCode to identify them in the switch correctly only that you assign a value int to a variable of type Type in the line: Type tipo = Type.GetTypeCode(prop);

Assuming a class:

    public class clsEntidad
        public int Propiead1 { get; set; }
        public decimal Propiedad2 { get; set; }

the code would look like this:

        string[] listColumnNames = new string[] { "Propiead1", "Propiedad2" };

        foreach (string unaPropiedad in listColumnNames)
            var prop = typeof(clsEntidad).GetProperty(unaPropiedad);
            TypeCode tipo = Type.GetTypeCode(prop.PropertyType);

            switch (tipo)
                case TypeCode.Int32:
                    Console.WriteLine("Propiedad del Tipo: {0}",tipo);
                case TypeCode.Decimal:
                    Console.WriteLine("Propiedad del Tipo: {0} ",tipo);


To get the properties of a class and its types you can do it this way (it's a console project for a matter of speed but I hope it works for you):

class Program
    public int MyProperty1 { get; set; }
    public short MyProperty2 { get; set; }
    public decimal MyProperty3 { get; set; }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        foreach (var t in typeof(Program).GetProperties())
            Console.WriteLine("{0} ", t.PropertyType.FullName);


and the output would be:







answered by 23.08.2016 в 18:43

Exactly, very similar is the code I use but what I'm surprised about is that I get the switch type object in all the iterated properties, not the types int32, datetime etc ...

answered by 23.08.2016 в 18:35