Android Studio min sdk 22 is not possible


I just downloaded the android studio but the sdk does not allow me to place the min sdk to 22, it forces me to place the 23 according to the library wear-26.1.0

My smartwatch has android 5.1 api 22 and I need to be able to create the app with minsdk 22.

The error is as follows


Manifest merger failed: uses-sdk: minSdkVersion 22 can not be smaller   than version 23 declared in library []   C: \ Users \ Pet.gradle \ caches \ transforms-1 \ files-1.1 \ wear-26.1.0.aar \ 01466bada77ea7c4693dc210da48fb22 \ AndroidManifest.xml   as the library might be using APIs not available in 22

I have already downloaded the sdk 22 from the sdk manager but the same error still appears, I already made cleam and rebuild and nothing.

I read in a forum that it is no longer possible to place minsdk under 23 for the new google update but I do not think so.

Any ideas?

asked by Minniek 09.07.2018 в 16:03

1 answer


As you comment, the library has actually been defined as minSdkVersion 23 , since there is currently no support for Wear for API 22 (June 2018) which is the one that has at least your project defined, for this reason it suggests you use it.


uses-sdk: minSdkVersion 22 can not be smaller than version 23   in library

You can search for a version of Wear prior to 26.0.x even if you do not I consider it advisable.

As a solution I suggest you update your device, it most likely has Android 6.0 update

answered by 09.07.2018 в 16:15