I need to get the second value from this list
['connections-wfs', 'Prueba', 'url=https://test.com/ows/wfs\n']
The data is not always the same but if you always have the same number of values, in this example it would be
I need to get the second value from this list
['connections-wfs', 'Prueba', 'url=https://test.com/ows/wfs\n']
The data is not always the same but if you always have the same number of values, in this example it would be
To get an item in a list you only need the index (using base 0):
lista = ['connections-wfs', 'Prueba', 'url=https://test.com/ows/wfs\n']
n = lista[1] # Prueba
Assuming your list is called list1.
In the lists, you can access the determined positions, this is list [0] you will get the first value from the list, list [1] the second, list [n] will take you out the value in position n + 1 of the list.