How to show content in a select that depends on another select?


My question is the following one ... I have a select that is a foreign key, and at the same time it has another foreign key, and what I want to do is select a data of the first select and that the second select changes its content depending on the first select

My code correspondence, are more data but I do not put them

 class corresp(models.Model):
     Secretaria=models.ForeignKey(secretarias, null=True, blank=False)
     Unidad=models.ForeignKey(unidad, null=True, blank=False) of User

class secretarias(models.Model):

    def __unicode__(self):
        return '{}'.format(self.nombre_secretaria)

class unidad(models.Model):
    nombre_unidad = models.CharField(max_length=120)
    Secretaria= models.ForeignKey(secretarias, null=True, blank=True)

File code

 def corresp_crear(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
            form = CorrespondenciaForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
            if form.is_valid():
                 c =
                 c.user = request.user
                 messages.success(request, 'Correspondencia creada correctamente .')
              return redirect('correspondencia:corresp_listar')
            form = CorrespondenciaForm()
      return render(request, 'registrarCorrespondencia/formulario1.html', {'form': form})

Part of the file code formulario1.html

   <div class="well" style="overflow: auto">
     <label>Destino por Areas</label><br>
       <div class="col-md-6">{{ form.Secretaria.label}} {{ form.Secretaria}}</div>
       <div class="col-md-6">  {{ form.Unidad.label}} {{ form.Unidad}}</div>          
asked by Lun 17.08.2018 в 00:31

1 answer


As it appears in the links that Tengito123 puts you, one of the most "pure" options would be to pull jQuery to do the chaining of the selects by hand.

I generally prefer to use for the django-autocomplete-light selects that already has a functionality to chain the selects in a very simple way and that also gives you the functionality of autocomplete.

Here I give you an example of some of the important code pieces, so you can see how it would look:


from dal import autocomplete

class CorrespondenciaForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = models.Correspondencia
        fields = ['unidad', 'secretaria', ]
        widgets = {
            'unidad': autocomplete.ModelSelect2(url='unidad-autocomplete')
            'secretaria': autocomplete.ModelSelect2(url='secretaria-autocomplete', 
                                                    forward=['unidad', ])


class SecretariaAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2QuerySetView):
    def get_queryset(self):
        qs = models.Secretaria.objects.all()
        unidad = self.forwarded.get('unidad', None)
        if self.unidad:
            qs = qs.filter(unidad=unidad)

        if self.q:
            qs = qs.filter(nombre_secretaria__icontains=self.q)

        return results

I think this is a very clean and very easy way to get what you are consulting.

answered by 17.08.2018 в 12:34