How can I save the image of a fingerprint reader in Mysql?


I would like to save the image, (NOT the template) of a fingerprint image, the code to convert it according to the DigitalPersona manual is this:

public Image CrearImagenHuella(DPFPSample sample) 

And the code I use to save Mysql is this:

     Connection c=cn.conectar();
     PreparedStatement guardarStmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO somhue(hnombre,identificacion, huehuella) values(?,?,?)");
     guardarStmt.setInt(2, Id);
     //Ejecuta la sentencia
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Huella Guardada Correctamente");

 catch (SQLException ex)
     //Si ocurre un error lo indica en la consola
     System.err.println("Error al guardar los datos de la huella.");
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "La persona ya se encuentra registrada por favor verificar los datos e intentar de nuevo ","VERIFICACION DE DATOS", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);



However I could not use that variable "sample" inside the code to save in mysql, someone who can tell me how to store it?

asked by Jorge Herrera 23.08.2016 в 18:43

2 answers


setBinaryStream requires in the second parameter an object of type InputStream

But what you have is an object of type Image , since the code is not complete I guess java.awt.Image

If the object you have was of type BufferedImage it would be easy to convert it to a stream of bytes:

Image imagen = CrearImagenHuella(sample);
BufferedImage buffImg = convertirABufferedImage( imagen );
ByteArrayOutputStream streamWrite = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(image,"png", streamWrite); // Puede que quieras otro formato distinto
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(streamWrite.toByteArray());

/// ... Y ya puedes usar .....


Now we just need to convert the image to Buffered image, which I have taken from this English answer from Sri Harsha Chilakapati

 * Convierte una imagen en BufferedImage
 * @param img La Image a convertir
 * @return El BufferedImage convertido
public static BufferedImage convertirABufferedImage(Image img)
    if (img instanceof BufferedImage)
        return (BufferedImage) img;

    // Crear imagen buffered con transparencia
    BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

    // Dibujar la imagen en la buffered imagen
    Graphics2D bGr = bimage.createGraphics();
    bGr.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);

    // Devolver la buffered image
    return bimage;
answered by 24.08.2016 / 13:52

Thanks to the response of Jose Antonio Dura Olmos , I was able to solve it. Publish the final solution in case a user serves.

In this case by means of BufferedImage I did the following:

  • Declare a variable called Ejemplo

    private DPFPCapture Lector = DPFPGlobal.getCaptureFactory().createCapture();
    private DPFPEnrollment Reclutador = DPFPGlobal.getEnrollmentFactory().createEnrollment();
    private DPFPVerification Verificador = DPFPGlobal.getVerificationFactory().createVerification();
    private DPFPTemplate template;
    public BufferedImage Ejemplo;
  • Then this variable is assigned image , which is what the reader draws me.

    Image image=CrearImagenHuella(sample);
    Ejemplo =  (BufferedImage) image;
  • Inside the Guardar method I have the following code:

    public void guardarHuella(DPFPSample sample)
          //Obtiene los datos del template de la huella actual
          String formato = "JPEG";
          ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          if(Ejemplo !=null)
           ImageIO.write((RenderedImage) Ejemplo, formato, out);
            DibujarHuella1( Ejemplo);
          InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
          ByteArrayInputStream datosHuella = new ByteArrayInputStream(template.serialize());
          Integer tamañoHuella=template.serialize().length;
          //Pregunta el nombre de la persona a la cual corresponde dicha huella
          String nombre;
          String Identificacion;
          nombre = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Nombre:");
          Identificacion = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"NUMERO DE IDENTIFICACION:"+"\n" +"NO colocar puntos ni guiones","DATOS PERSONALES",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
          //se creó la variable tipo entero llamada Id
          int Id;
          //Convierte la variable Identificacion la cual esta de tipo String a entero por medio de la variable Id
          Id =Integer.parseInt(Identificacion);
                  //Establece los valores para la sentencia SQL
                  Connection c=cn.conectar();
                  PreparedStatement guardarStmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO somhue(hnombre,identificacion, huehuella) values(?,?,?)");
                  guardarStmt.setInt(2, Id);
                  //Ejecuta la sentencia
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Huella Guardada Correctamente");
               catch (SQLException ex) 
                  //Si ocurre un error lo indica en la consola
                  System.err.println("Error al guardar los datos de la huella.");
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "La persona ya se encuentra registrada por favor verificar los datos e intentar de nuevo ","VERIFICACION DE DATOS", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);     
      } catch (IOException ex) {
          Logger.getLogger(Huella.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
  • And at the end when I put the visualization in the label, I could already see the image of the fingerprint and store it in the database. It weighs 60KB which is not much.

    answered by 24.08.2016 в 18:40