I have a site whose SSL expired and both the page and the admin do not let me see the content.
The connection is not private It is possible that attackers are trying to steal your information from globalwmexico.com (for example, passwords, messages or cards). credit). More information NET :: ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID
When I configured the site to support SSL, I remember doing it in the WP-ADMIN options, however, for the reason described above, I do not have access to temporarily pass it to HTTP, in which the validity of the certificate is resolved.
I tried to modify the configuration.php to change the url to http:
var $live_site = 'http://globalwmexico.com/globalwmexico';
And in the database I searched unsuccessfully in the wp_options table for something that could help change it. I also see that the .htaccess was not generated because at the time I did not use Permalinks.
Any other way you can change it to HTTP or disable from database or configuration files?