I'm trying to load a text file with the following format, to mysql:
Clave Area¶Area de Venta¶F. Contable¶Sesión¶Fecha de Apertura¶Hora de Apertura¶AV/P¶Transacción¶Operación¶ID DE VTA¶Tipo¶Origen¶Destino¶Fecha Salida¶Hora Salida¶Folio Boleto¶Asiento¶Nombre Pasajero¶Tipo¶Formas de Pago¶EF¶TB¶PU¶TR¶DO¶GP¶CV¶Importe¶Formato/Salto¶Fecha Venta¶Hora Venta¶Corrida¶Empresa Corrida¶Tipo de Boleto¶Numero de Referencia¶Clave de Autorizacion¶Voucher¶Tipo de Servicio¶F. Cierre¶Razon Social¶R.F.C.¶DOCUMENTO ¶ EMPRESA¶
006¶ACAPULCO CENTRO¶01/01/2016¶231658¶01/01/2016¶06:44:22¶ACAEE67892¶5155690¶7978798¶¶CS¶ACAC¶OMET¶01/01/2016¶12:15¶T-A-04131772¶13¶GRISELDA BARAJAS GUERRERO¶¶EF¶146.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶146.00¶¶01/01/2016¶07:49:40¶028376¶AUTOTRANSPORTES COSTEñOS¶ADULTO¶00000000000000000000¶¶0¶ECONOMICO¶01/01/2016¶¶¶0¶¶Þ
006¶ACAPULCO CENTRO¶01/01/2016¶231658¶01/01/2016¶06:44:22¶ACAEE67892¶5155690¶7978799¶¶CS¶ACAC¶OMET¶01/01/2016¶12:15¶T-A-04131773¶14¶MARGARITA CARVAJAL NAVA¶¶EF¶146.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶146.00¶¶01/01/2016¶07:49:40¶028376¶AUTOTRANSPORTES COSTEñOS¶ADULTO¶00000000000000000000¶¶0¶ECONOMICO¶01/01/2016¶¶¶0¶¶Þ
006¶ACAPULCO CENTRO¶01/01/2016¶231658¶01/01/2016¶06:44:22¶ACAEE67892¶5155690¶7978800¶¶CS¶ACAC¶OMET¶01/01/2016¶12:15¶T-A-04131774¶17¶JULIA YARIN CASTILLO BARAJAS¶¶EF¶146.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶0.00¶146.00¶¶01/01/2016¶07:49:40¶028376¶AUTOTRANSPORTES COSTEñOS¶ADULTO¶00000000000000000000¶¶0¶ECONOMICO¶01/01/2016¶¶¶0¶¶Þ
The structure of the table has 45 fields, in the file fields = 44 the table has an additional field, which is an auto-incremental id, which does not come as a column in the file. Then I try to insert the 44 fields of the text file and the id will increment. As normally happens when entering records.
But you can not insert the rows, I think that because I need to indicate the form of insertion and / or exception or jump of that auto-incremental id field.
What should be the correct form of syntax in the script, if I need to format: YY / MONTH / DAY to the date field, and write the rows in the table?
SQL Script
load data local infile 'c:\ventas\ventas.txt' into table ventas306
fields terminated by '¶' lines terminated by 'Þ' IGNORE 1 LINES
(@fecha_contable, @fecha_apertura, @fecha_salida, @fecha_venta, @fecha_cierre)
SET fecha_contable = STR_TO_DATE(@fecha_contable, "%Y %M %d"),
SET fecha_apertura = STR_TO_DATE(@fecha_apertura, "%Y %M %d"),
SET fecha_salida = STR_TO_DATE(@fecha_salida, "%Y %M %d"),
SET fecha_venta = STR_TO_DATE(@fecha_venta, "%Y %M %d"),
SET fecha_cierre = STR_TO_DATE(@fecha_cierre, "%Y %M %d")