I have a program that reads me file data excel
and csv
and writes them in txt
The problem I have is that one of the columns that he reads are decimals and when writing them he puts them all as decimal. The issue is that I just want to write to me as decimal those that are different from 0; whereas if the decimal is 0, I want you to write it as an integer.
For example:
si el dato que lee es: 3.1
quiero que escriba: 3.1
pero si el dato que lee es: 3.0
quiero que escriba: 3*
I put part of the code:
#Leo los datos y los almaceno en una lista
hoja = miExcel.sheet_by_index(0)
for row in range(1, hoja.nrows, 1):
dato = hoja.cell_value(row, 2)
#Escribo los datos fila a fila iterando por indice
with open(ficheroTxt, 'w') as f:
for indiceXls, nombreDato in enumerate (listaNombreDato):
dato = listaDatos[indiceXls]
f.write(str(dato) + ... + '\n')
I hope to have explained myself well.
How can I do it, because or all float
or all int
. I do not know how to make that exception.