I have the following query:
select (select (select(select sum(paquetes) from koc4 where Material = '1000230')*((select AVG (convert(decimal (10,2),(Prom_lote)))as prom_lot
from QM where Material = '1000230')/1000) )-((select (select sum(paquetes) from koc4 where Material = '1000230')
*((select convert (decimal (10,2),Peso_bruto) from Maestro where Material = '1000230')/1000) )))
/((select (select sum(paquetes) from koc4 where Material = '1000230')*((select [Peso neto]
from Maestro where Material = '1000230')/1000)))*100 as percentaje
I get the following result:
I would like you to only show 1.64