Hi Guys, I'm a Rookie in this and I'm doing a Small Final Degree Project on a Medical Office.
private void btnbuscar_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
BuscarUsuario bc = new BuscarUsuario();
if (bc.ClienteSelecionado != null)
txtnombre.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.nombre;
txtapellido.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.apellido;
txtiduser.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.user;
txtpass.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.contraseña;
txttel.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.tel;
txtpais.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.pais;
txtsexo.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.sexo;
txtcedula.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.cedula;
txtedad.Text = Ibc.ClienteSelecionado.edad;
txtdir.Text = bc.ClienteSelecionado.dir;
This is the code in the chain txtedad I get an error saying that you can not convert an int in String iplicitamente, I need to know what I have to put, I hope, that you can help me, any help would greatly appreciate it