I have this code block in vs2010 with C#
what it does is to create a txt
file to save to a network drive.
protected void export(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void ExportarEmbarque()
string strCon6 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Sk_DBFrecuencias"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection conn6 = new SqlConnection(strCon6);
SqlCommand comm6 = new SqlCommand();
comm6.Connection = conn6;
comm6.CommandText = "aqui va la consulta where f.SE_Factura= " + "'" + TxtExportFactura.Text.Trim() + "'" + " )t";
SqlDataReader nw6Reader = comm6.ExecuteReader();
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Sk_DBFrecuencias"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("aqui va la consulta where f.SE_Factura=" + "'" + TxtExportFactura.Text.Trim() + "'"))
using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
cmd.Connection = con;
sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
//Build the Text file data.
string txt = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
//Add the Data rows.
if (column.ColumnName.Equals("cantidadF"))
txt += row[column.ColumnName].ToString().Replace(",000", "").Replace(".000", "");
else if (column.ColumnName.Equals("cantidade"))
txt += row[column.ColumnName].ToString().Replace(",000", "").Replace(".000", "");
else if (column.ColumnName.Equals("Peso"))
txt += row[column.ColumnName].ToString().Replace(",000000", "").Replace(".000000", "");
else if (column.ColumnName.Equals("Volumen"))
txt += row[column.ColumnName].ToString().Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "").Remove(4, 3);
txt += row[column.ColumnName].ToString();
//Add new line.
txt += "\r";
//Download the Text file.
System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + "'" + TxtExportFactura.Text + ".txt" + "'" );
string filename = TxtExportFactura.Text + ".txt";
Response.Charset = "";
Response.ContentType = "application/text";
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"\unidadserver\soc\soc\CROSS\" + filename, txt);
TxtExportFactura.Text = "";
}//FIN exportar plano.
The problem is that if the local export works and the file in the network unit is equal, but when I pass the application to the server and (IIS) I get the following error.
I do not know if it would be ok to give some permission that I will be going by ignoring