Error with fetch_assoc MYSQLi


I come to you since I am stuck in an object-oriented MySQLi function.

I try to get the ID (A_i) of the corresponding tokens of the users, in a table called Tokens. The problem is that it does not give errors and also returns an empty result.

I clarify that the token I use to test the code is exactly the same as it is in the table, since I basically copy and paste the same, so it is not a problem of non-existence of the same.

I would like to know what I am doing wrong, because I have been stuck for exactly 1 week. Thanks in advance.

I leave the code:

modules / config.php


    $host = "localhost";
    $db_user = "root";
    $db_pass = "123456";
    $database = "database";

    $db = new mysqli($host, $db_user, $db_pass, $database);


classes / token.php


    class Token
        function usuarioToken($token)

            // Seleccion de datos segun token
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM 'tokens' WHERE 'token'='".$token."'";
            $buffer = [];
            while ($data = $db->fetch_assoc) {
                $buffer[] = $data["id"];
            return $buffer;


verify / index.php



    $token = new Token();

    print_r( $token->usuarioToken($_GET["t"]) );


Result obtained ...

Array ( )
asked by Skollprog 25.10.2017 в 21:21

1 answer


I already saw your error.

You are acting on $db in the fetch, and you must act on the returned results.

class Token
    function usuarioToken($token)

        // Seleccion de datos segun token
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM 'tokens' WHERE 'token'='".$token."'";
        $resultado=$db->query($sql); //Resultado de la consulta
        $buffer = [];
        while ($data = $resultado->fetch_assoc()) { //con ()
            $buffer[] = $data["id"];
        return $buffer;



It is recommended to use queries prepared to give security to your   BD.

I will write here the code using prepared queries and evaluating possible errors:

class Token
    function usuarioToken($token)

        if ($db)

            // Seleccion de datos segun token
            $sql = "SELECT id FROM 'tokens' WHERE 'token'=?";  //Parece que sólo quieres el id


            if ($stmt){
            $stmt->bind_param("s", $token);
            $resultado=$db->query($sql); //Resultado de la consulta
            $buffer = [];
            while ($data = $resultado->fetch_assoc()) { //con ()
                $buffer[] = $data["id"];

            return $buffer;


                echo "Error preparando la consulta";


        //Cerrar $db si es preciso


            echo "Error en la conexión";


answered by 25.10.2017 / 21:35