A few days ago I started to study about the Electron framework, since I need to make a desktop application for the University, but I present some doubts that I can not solve.
I am completely new to Electron and for the moment I have only managed to load jQuery correctly so that data-toggle works correctly. And I am currently documenting how to establish the connection to a Database with MySQL in Electron.
I'm doing the tests with a very simple Billing system
But I've noticed that the PHP files I have for the listings do not work and the code is loaded
As I said, I'm new to Electron and I'm not very aware, I understand that Electron does not support PHP (which I do not understand well since the index I use in the test project is .php and works as it can see in the images) then I have doubts about what to do in that case, is there a way to implement PHP? Should I use something else? Or what other solutions can I apply? ? I hope someone can get rid of those doubts.