I have created an installer for my C # project with clickonce, but I have a problem with my file path, in this case with rdlc files (reportviewer), I declare it as follows:
String rutadocumento = (Application.StartupPath).Replace("\bin\Debug", "");
Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.LocalReport report = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.LocalReport();
report.DisplayName = nameArchivoMostrar;
report.ReportPath = rutadocumento + "\Reportes\" + nombreReporte;
When I run it from the visual studio, I do not have any problems, but when I create the installation, it does not find the file path (rutadocumento + "\ Reports \" + nombreReporte).
I would like to know if I should copy the Reports folder in any specific part and where. I would also like to know if the path reference is correct (report.ReportPath.ReportPath = rutadocumento + "\ Reports \" + nombreReporte), to work.