C # MongoDb BsonDocument Add subdocument with a new ObjectId


Starting from:

Class that adds a subdocument to a document

   public Boolean AggregateSubdocument(string nameCollection, string idDocument, string nameSubdocument, object subdomcument)

        BsonDocument newSubdocument = BsonDocument.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subdomcument));
        var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(nameCollection);
        var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(idDocument));
        var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Push(nameSubdocument, newSubdocument);
        var result = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
        if (result.IsModifiedCountAvailable)
            if (result.ModifiedCount == 1)
                return true;
        return false;

It generates the following:

Inside my collection

  "_id" : ObjectId("59f3540a91bfb21a40121a17"),
    "Nombre" : "el  conde dracula",
    "Viviendas" : "1",
    "Estado" : "condesco",
    "Ciudad" : "transilvania",
    "Colonia" : "conde",
    "Cp" : "20398",
    "Direccion" : "tres tumbas, calle murcielago",
    "Correo" : "[email protected]",
    "Referencia" : "cerca de los hombres lobo",
    "Usuarios" : [
                    "Nick" : "59f3540a91bfb21a40121a17",
                    "Nombre" : "sr. dracula",
                    "Tipo" : "administrador",
                    "Email" : "[email protected]",
                    "Password" : "jy2u9wcwofklm8rpef38xikun5dvffgwjsnbuq4btepfwlymoxyl0b8dcyftzwgt",
                    "Estado" : "codesco",
                    "Ciudad" : "transilvania",
                    "Cp" : "209",
                    "Direccion" : "calle vampiro, s/n"
                    "Nick" : "59f3540a91bfb21a40121a17",
                    "Nombre" : "usuario dos",
                    "Tipo" : "normal",
                    "Email" : "[email protected]",
                    "Password" : "zlzf8tmd0hbjeeahx+ucqbrehiycatqnkhqexcrkdeyo7np0kp/ot3ek0r9sxqxa",
                    "Estado" : "test",
                    "Ciudad" : "test",
                    "Cp" : "23255",
                    "Direccion" : "test"

With the line

var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Push(nameSubdocument, newSubdocument);

I manage to generate an array, in which you can add n nodes, but you do not generate a "_id" : ObjectId() in each node


How to generate an ObjectID () in each subcollection?

asked by harriroot 27.10.2017 в 19:04

2 answers


A solution

var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.AddToSet(nameSubdocument, new BsonDocument(){
            {"_id", ObjectId.GenerateNewId()},

Creation of a new document

new BsonDocument(){}

Inside the keys you can create "n" elements for the example document

new BsonDocument(){
            {"_id", ObjectId.GenerateNewId()},
            {"campo1", "valor1"},
            {"campon", 2}


use the variable "newSubdocument", which already brings all those n elements that I need

answered by 27.10.2017 / 20:32
String _id=ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString();
newSubdocument.add(new BsonElement("_id",_id));

right after: newSubdocument.Remove ("Id");

I hope you serve, greetings

answered by 27.10.2017 в 20:06