I am extracting information at GridView
but I see that they are quite fields that I do not want.
How could it be done to just choose the rows that I want?
I enclose the image of GridView
and everything that comes out.
This is the code that I pull to my GridView
dtorequest.Monto = Convert.ToDecimal(txtImporteCredito.Text);//Convert.ToDecimal(1900.00);
dtorequest.MontoCapitalFijo = 0;
dtorequest.MontoTIR2 = 10000;
dtorequest.MontoTIR3 = 0;
int somestring = Convert.ToInt32(dprNumerocuota.SelectedItem.Value);
dtorequest.NumeroCuotas = Convert.ToInt32(dprNumerocuota.SelectedItem.Text.Substring(0, 2));// 12;
dtorequest.Oficina = 5;
dtorequest.Periodicidad = 30;
dtorequest.PeriodicidadCapital = 0;
dtorequest.PeriodicidadInteres = 0;
dtorequest.PeriodosGracia = 0;
dtorequest.Plazo = 360;
dtorequest.PorcentajeMinimoCuoton = 0;
dtorequest.RedondeoHacia = ServiceReference1.EnumeradosConfiguracionNegocioTipoRedondeo.Arriba;
dtorequest.Tasa = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTEA.Text);//40;
dtorequest.TasaInicialObjetivo = 0;
dtorequest.TipoGracia = ServiceReference1.EnumeradosConfiguracionNegocioTipoGracia.GraciaCapital;
dtorequest.TipoTabla = "CUOTFIJA";
listadtodividendo = tabla.ConsultarTablaAmortizacion(dtorequest).ToList();
GridView1.DataSource = listadtodividendo;
For example, of all that I just want to show it as the image: