MercadoPago Balance Consultation


Someone knows if there is an API developed to show the MercadoPago balance There is no information on link Thanks!

asked by Martin Gentile 05.07.2017 в 18:26

2 answers


In the developers page you will find the following information to be able to consult your balance in the Mercado Pago account: See Documentation .


How does it work?


You can request information, for example about a payment or the balance of   your account, using HTTP (similar to a browser).


For example: "I want to know the balance of my account."


For that, you should go to:


And you will receive an answer like this:

    "user_id": TU_ID_DE_USUARIO,
    "total_amount": 1000,
    "available_balance": 1000,
    . }
answered by 07.07.2017 в 21:08

It's very simple: First you need your client_id and client_secret, you get it from here:


Then you ask for the balance data and filter what you want:


require_once ('../mercadopago/mercadopago.php');

$mp = new MP ("Client_ID", "Client_Secrt");

$balance = $mp->get ("/users/TU_ID_USUARIO/mercadopago_account/balance");

$balence = json_encode($balance);

echo "Total ML: ".$balance['response']['total_amount'];
echo "<br>Disponible: ".$balance['response']['available_balance'];
echo "<br>Pendiente: ".$balance['response']['unavailable_balance'];

answered by 18.07.2017 в 19:52