Someone knows if there is an API developed to show the MercadoPago balance There is no information on link Thanks!
In the developers page you will find the following information to be able to consult your balance in the Mercado Pago account: See Documentation .
How does it work?
You can request information, for example about a payment or the balance of your account, using HTTP (similar to a browser).
For example: "I want to know the balance of my account."
For that, you should go to:
And you will receive an answer like this:
{ "user_id": TU_ID_DE_USUARIO, "total_amount": 1000, "available_balance": 1000, . . . }
It's very simple: First you need your client_id and client_secret, you get it from here:
Then you ask for the balance data and filter what you want:
require_once ('../mercadopago/mercadopago.php');
$mp = new MP ("Client_ID", "Client_Secrt");
$balance = $mp->get ("/users/TU_ID_USUARIO/mercadopago_account/balance");
$balence = json_encode($balance);
echo "Total ML: ".$balance['response']['total_amount'];
echo "<br>Disponible: ".$balance['response']['available_balance'];
echo "<br>Pendiente: ".$balance['response']['unavailable_balance'];