I am starting in the programming with Python and I have come across a problem .... I want to make an infinite loop which comes out if I press the "s" option or if the raspberry button is activated. This is what I programmed, but it does not work correctly, any ideas?
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
def prueba()
gpio.setup(boton, gpio.IN, gpio.PUD_UP)
while True:
print ("para salir puse s: ")
if salir =='s':
return 0
if gpio.input(boton)==gpio.HIGH:
return 1
while True:
if prueba() == 1
print("Ha pulsado s")
if prueba() == 0
print("Ha pulsado boton")
Edit: The problem is in the While loop, since I have the feeling that using the input () function, it stays "stuck" and does not continue with the program until a value is entered by keyboard and although the button is pressed he is waiting for the keyboard.