How could I copy a database that I store inside my own app to the sd card, for example if I create a folder within app\src\main\res
and store the bd in that directory, as I could copy it to the sd card. ?
How could I copy a database that I store inside my own app to the sd card, for example if I create a folder within app\src\main\res
and store the bd in that directory, as I could copy it to the sd card. ?
You can access the SD card in this way:
File sd = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
To the data of your application
File data = Environment.getDataDirectory();
The path of your database
String pathData = "//data//"+getPackageName()+"//databases//"+NOMBRE_BASE_DE_DATOS+"";
Create a variable with the value of the name you want to give to the backup
String backupDBPath = "backupdatabase.db";
Obtain and / or create the previously named files
File currentDB = new File(data, pathData );
File backupDB = new File(sd, backupDBPath);
Verify that your database does exist, obtain the file and create / transfer the backup file within the sd.
if (currentDB.exists()) {
FileChannel src = new FileInputStream(currentDB).getChannel();
FileChannel dst = new FileOutputStream(backupDB).getChannel();
dst.transferFrom(src, 0, src.size());
You must add the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
to your Manifest and if you are working with versions 6.0 or higher, remember to capture the permission and if not, ask the user.