Error class vector_t C ++


I have to make a binary search code in a file, however, it is giving me an error in the class vector_t that I use to create a vector in which I have to search for a number.

This is the code where I do the binary search in a separate file:

#pragma once 

#include "stack_v_t.hpp"
#include "vector_t.hpp"

using namespace AED;

int binary_search(vector_t<int>& v, int x){

  stack_v_t<int> pila(2 * v.get_sz()); //le paso el tamaño de vector, una pila con el doble para evitar desbordamientos
  int auxiliar = 0;


  while (!pila.empty()) {

    int derecha =; //el valor que hay en top se iguala a lo que hay en derecha, en pila, necesitas meterlo en pila,   lo sobreescribe para hacer otra vuelta

    int izquierda =; // se borra el top, pero izquierda y derecha siguen teniendo lo que habia en el top

 if (izquierda > derecha) {return -1; }

    else {
      int c= (izquierda+derecha)/2;

      if (v[c] == x) {
    return c;
      else if (x<v[c]){
       derecha = c-1;

      else if (x>v[c]){
       izquierda = c+1;






Well, this is the main of this code, which is in another file:

#include "bs.hpp"

#include "vector_t.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace AED;

#define TAM 10

int main (void) {

   vector_t<int> array(TAM); //las constantes se pasan así cuando son clases vector 
   int i=0;
   int buscado,x;

   for (i=0;i<TAM;i++){
     cout << "Introduzca el elemento " << i << endl;
     cin >> x;
     array[i]=x; // los guardo en v[i]

   cout << "cual es elemento que busca? "<< endl;
   cin>> buscado;

     if (binary_search(array, buscado)) 


       cout << "el elemento "<<buscado<<"ha sido encontrado "<<endl;

       cout << " el elemento " << buscado << "NO ha sido encontrado "<< endl;

     return 0;


Well, I corrected the errors that came out in bs and main_bs , but the compiler points out errors in vector_t and stack_v_t .

These are the errors that I do not understand:

In file included from bs.hpp:5:0,
                 from main_bs.cpp:2:
stack_v_t.hpp:16:3: error: vector_t does not name a type
   vector_t<T> v_;
stack_v_t.hpp: In constructor AED::stack_v_t<T>::stack_v_t(int):
stack_v_t.hpp:21:3: error: class AED::stack_v_t<T> does not have any field named 
stack_v_t.hpp: In member function T AED::stack_v_t<T>::top():
stack_v_t.hpp:33:11: error: v_ was not declared in this scope
    return v_[top_];
In file included from /usr/include/c++/5/cassert:43:0,
                 from stack_v_t.hpp:7,
                 from bs.hpp:5,
                 from main_bs.cpp:2:
stack_v_t.hpp: In member function void AED::stack_v_t<T>::push(T):
stack_v_t.hpp:44:18: error:  was not declared in this scope
    assert(top_ < v_.get_sz() - 1);
In file included from bs.hpp:5:0,
                 from main_bs.cpp:2:
stack_v_t.hpp: In member function std::ostream& AED::stack_v_t<T>::write(std::ostream&):
stack_v_t.hpp:53:34: error: v_ was not declared in this scope
     cout <<  << setw(2)<< v_.get_v(i) << << endl;

Class stack_v_t provide it to me, also vector_t :

I know it's a lot of code, but to be concise here I leave it:

#pragma once

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include <cassert>

using namespace std;
namespace AED {

    template <class T>
    class stack_v_t{

        vector_t<T> v_;
        int         top_;

        stack_v_t(int max_sz):
        top_(-1) {}

        ~stack_v_t(void) {}

        bool empty(void){
            return (top_ < 0);

        T top(void){

            return v_[top_];

        void pop(void){


        void push(T dato){

            assert(top_ < v_.get_sz() - 1);

            top_ ++;
            v_[top_] = dato;

        ostream& write(ostream& os){

            for(int i = top_; i >= 0; i--)
                cout << " │ " << setw(2)<< v_.get_v(i) << "  │" << endl;
            cout << " └─────┘" << endl; 


This is vector_t

#pragma once

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include <cassert>

using namespace std;
namespace AED {

    template <class T>
    class vector_t{
        T*      v_;
        int     sz_;


        vector_t(int sz):
            sz_(sz) {




        int get_sz(void) const
            return sz_;

        T operator[](int pos) const{

            assert((pos < sz_) && ((pos >= 0)));

            return v_[pos];

        T& operator[](int pos){

            assert((pos < sz_) && ((pos >= 0)));

            return v_[pos];

        ostream& write(ostream& os) const{

            os << setw(5) <<  sz_ << endl;
            os << endl;

            for(int i = 0; i < sz_; i ++){
                os << " ";

            return os;


        void crea_vector(void){
            v_ = new T[sz_];

        void destruye_vector(void)
            if (v_ != NULL){
                delete [] v_;
                v_ = NULL;


    template <>
    ostream& vector_t<int>::write(ostream& os) const{

        for(int i = 0; i < sz_; i ++)
            os << setw(4)  << v_[i] << " ";

        return os;


ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const AED::vector_t<int>& v)

    return os;

Thank you for your help, thank you

asked by AER 28.04.2017 в 17:32

1 answer

In file included from bs.hpp:5:0,
                 from main_bs.cpp:2:
stack_v_t.hpp:16:3: error: vector_t does not name a type
   vector_t<T> v_;

If we check the header file stack_v_t.hpp we see the following:

#pragma once

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
// (1)

using namespace std;
namespace AED {

    template <class T>
    class stack_v_t{

        vector_t<T> v_; // (2)

In (2) you use class vector_t , but in (1) there is no #include that incorporates the declaration of that class into this file, then the compiler does not know anything about this class (nor how much it occupies in memory, or how it is used, or what constructor to call, ...)

The solution is as simple as including the header you need:

#pragma once

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include "vector_t.hpp" // ... o como se llame el fichero

// ...
answered by 30.04.2017 / 03:38