The problem I have is that if I try to insert an empty data the application fails and I do not know why. With any number goes well but if I leave it empty it fails
I have the database:
public class AdminSQLiteOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
public AdminSQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String nombre, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
super(context, nombre, factory, version);
dr.execSQL("create table pedido3(lugar integer primary key , cantidad integer, producto text)");
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase dr, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
dr.execSQL("drop table if exists pedido3");
dr.execSQL("create table pedido3(lugar integer primary key , cantidad integer, producto text)");
here I insert the data:
public void altamesa3 (View view){
AdminSQLiteOpenHelper admin = new AdminSQLiteOpenHelper(this,
"cocina3", null, 1);
SQLiteDatabase br = admin.getWritableDatabase();
String lugar = "1";
EditText numero=(EditText)findViewById(;
String cantidad = numero.getText().toString();
String producto = tv1.getText().toString();
ContentValues registro = new ContentValues();
registro.put("cantidad", cantidad);
registro.put("producto", producto);
Cursor fila = br.rawQuery(
"select cantidad,producto from pedido3 where lugar=1", null);
if (fila.moveToFirst()) {
int cant=Integer.parseInt(cantidad);
if(cant>0) {
br.update("pedido3", registro, "lugar=1", null);