Help I'm stuck in a part of my project, I'm doing an intranet for a Lyceum. The subject is that I want to place an "Observation" to a Student, for this I need the "id" of the Student, the "id" of the Subject, and the "id" of the Teacher that is Authenticated. In a hearing I have all the students of a subject.
By selecting add behavior (the red icon on the right) I receive the "id" of the student and the subject in this controller
public function agregarAnotacion($id, $id)
$alumno = Alumno::find($id);
$asignatura = Asignatura::find($id);
return view('agregaranotacion')->with('alumno',$alumno)->with('asignatura',$asignatura);
The "id" of the teacher will be obtained with the Auth. But I do not know how I can store this in my database since the create () and store () method of laravel comes without variables. I have to create another method to store them? or can I use the same create (), store ()? and if so, how would it be? thanks in advance for your answers