I am making a news system that is perfect in apache and in an online server. This error arises when running the site on a local server windows iis can be the php versions? has the 5.6
$bd_config = array(
'basedatos' => 'noticias',
'usuario' => 'root',
'pass' => '****'
$noticias_config = array(
'post_por_pagina' => '3',
'carpeta_imagenes' => 'img/'
LINE 32 -------------------------------------- function.php
function obtener_post($post_por_pagina, $conexion) {
$inicio = (pagina_actual() > 1) ? pagina_actual() * $post_por_pagina - $post_por_pagina: 0;
$sentencia = $conexion->prepare("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM articulos LIMIT $inicio, $post_por_pagina");
return $sentencia->fetchAll();