Can I configure a Raspberry Pi card from a PC with Windows Operating System?


I intend to start a project with a Rasberry Pi using Python language, however I understand that the Rasberry Pi can only be configured with Linux and on my laptop I only own Windows 10.

Is this an inconvenience? When entering the Raspberry pi environment, does it give me all the Linux environment I need?

asked by Angel Vargas 30.04.2017 в 22:43

1 answer


To run a Raspberry pi from Windows you only need a micro SD of 8Gb up to 32Gb (I'm not sure if it works with 64).

  • First you must download the program to write the image in the SD memory, you can find it in the next link .
  • Then you have to download the Debian image adapted for Rasberry (Raspbian). And using Etcher you prepare the card with the operating system.
  • Then turn on the Raspberry, if you have a screen, keyboard and mouse, you're ready. If not ... you can by (wifi | cable) and SSH.
  • Install phyton. (usually comes by default).
  • Install wiringPi or rpi.GPIO (I understand that rpi.gpio comes by default, in that case you just have to update).
  • Write your scripts in phyton. An example:

    import RPi.GPIO as io
    import time
    io.setup(17, io.OUT)
    io.output(17, io.HIGH)

Some time ago I did a tutorial for this, you can have an eye on my github

If you need to know what each raspberry pin is for, you can see this GPIO guide

answered by 02.05.2017 в 03:51