How to show duplicate MySQL and PHP records?


How can I get duplicate records of a product? I'm developing a site to sell video games online, I have a search bar to show the titles by entering their SKU, but I want to show them the games that have their duplicate. For example:

|| SEQJ || Nombre_Juego || Categoria_Juego  || Cant_Disp ||  SKU ||
|| 001  || gears_of_war || accion_disparos  ||    10     || 0123 ||
|| 001  || gears_of_war || accion_disparos  ||    20     || 0124 ||
|| 001  || gears_of_war || accion_disparos  ||    20     || 0125 ||
|| 002  || metal_gear_5 || sigilo_accion_a  ||    20     || 0126 ||
|| 002  || metal_gear_5 || sigilo_accion_a  ||    20     || 0127 ||
|| 002  || metal_gear_5 || sigilo_accion_a  ||    20     || 0128 ||
|| 003  || god_of_war_1 || accion_3_persona ||     5     || 0129 ||
|| 003  || god_of_war_1 || accion_3_persona ||    30     || 0131 ||
|| 003  || god_of_war_1 || accion_3_persona ||    30     || 0132 ||
|| 005  || pro_evo_socc ||     deportes     ||     2     || 0134 ||

What I need is that when searching for the SKU of the product I bring all the products (for example, all gears of war) and not only the last value (in the example of gears_of_war with SKU 0125, but all gears_of_war )

Note: There are repeated, but I need you to bring me those repeated (when it is the case). Greetings.

asked by SmithBit 16.01.2017 в 05:21

2 answers


You could execute a query as follows:

    query para obtener los elementos de tu tabla (no sé el nombre)
    basados en el valor de SEQJ
    el cual lo obtendremos de la misma tabla pero mediante un subquery
FROM tabla t2
        subquery para obtener el SEQJ que indica los juegos
        colocamos LIMIT 1 para que siempre devuelva 1 resultado
    FROM tabla t1
    WHERE t1.SKU = :sku //aquí iría el valor del SKU que buscas
    LIMIT 1)
answered by 16.01.2017 в 05:35

Assuming that the field SKU does not have repeated values in the table, with a simple join to the same table it can be achieved:

select t2.*
  from vgames t1
  join vgames t2
    on t2.seqj = t1.seqj
 where t1.sku = '0125'
 order by t2.sku

Note that I put a ORDER BY so that the results come out in order of SKU . You can modify it to get the records in the order you want. Just make sure to use a field of t2 , not t1 . Or, if the order does not matter to you, you can simply remove the clause ORDER BY .

answered by 16.01.2017 в 10:18