I'm new to the python language, the project I have to do is the pascal triangle, which I have already done but I still need to implement the graphical interface to the modules that I have in the project.
I'm new to the python language, the project I have to do is the pascal triangle, which I have already done but I still need to implement the graphical interface to the modules that I have in the project.
I recommend you to see the library Tkinter , there are many tutorials on YouTube that will explain how to create buttons, labels, and all the elements that make up a graphical interface.
I hope I helped you. Greetings!
There are a lot of libraries: you can see here a list of them.
Personally I would recommend TKinter, Pygame or PyQt
A well-known and used library is Tkinter as mentioned by the colleagues above, plus you can use QT or another.
In stackoverflow in English, mention more of them: link