How can I traverse an html table as if it were a coordinate table?


My problem is this, I'm trying to insert some values into a database (dynamic) html with editable fields, I already have the function that inserts, but my problem is how to relate the value that I place in the table with what I want through a jquery.

This is how I build my table:

 if (isset($dataRubroTerm)) {

// el script declarado en esta parte del controlador justo antes de la tabla hace que funcionen los eventos jquery
            $html = "


    $( '.prueba td ' ).focusout(function( event ) {
      var precio= $(this).text();

      console.log(+precio);return false;



<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover prueba'> 
                       <td> <b>Rubro seleccionado - " . $dataRubro->descripcion /*aca cambia dependiendo de el rubro que se seleccione*/. "</b>  </td>  
                       <td> <b>PRECIO MAR</b>  </td>  
                       <td> <b>PRECIO ANA</b>  </td>  
                       <td> <b>PRECIO DE CAJA</b>  </td>  
                       <td> <b>PRECIO EXT</b>  </td>  
                       <td> <b>MARCAS</b>  </td>  
                    </tr>  ";

            foreach ($dataRubroTerm AS $fila[0]) { // aca se autogenera la tabla.  

                $PrecioMar = Monitoreo::buscarPrecios($idMonitor, 1, $fila[0]->id_rub_term); //Esto hace la busqueda por bdd a ver si hay precios guardados previamente , al igual con la marca.
                $PrecioAna = Monitoreo::buscarPrecios($idMonitor, 2, $fila[0]->id_rub_term);
                $PrecioDCaja = Monitoreo::buscarPrecios($idMonitor, 3, $fila[0]->id_rub_term);
                $PrecioExt = Monitoreo::buscarPrecios($idMonitor, 4, $fila[0]->id_rub_term);
                $marcas = Monitoreo::buscarPrecios($idMonitor, 5, $fila[0]->id_rub_term);
                $html .= "<tr>
                        <td> " . $fila[0]->fkPresentacion->descripcion . " </td>";
                $html .= "<td class='numeric prueba' contenteditable='true'> " . ($PrecioMar == "" ? '0.00' : $PrecioMar) /*se coloca un condicional if (?) para usar la busqueda por base de datos y ver si hay o no hay algo guardado previamente*/ . "</td>";
                $html .= "<td class='numeric prueba'  contenteditable='true'>" . ($PrecioAna == "" ? '0.00' : $PrecioAna) . " </td>";
                $html .= "<td class='numeric prueba' contenteditable='true'>" . ($PrecioDCaja == "" ? '0.00' : $PrecioDCaja) . "</td>";
                $html .= "<td class='numeric prueba'  contenteditable='true'>" . ($PrecioExt == "" ? '0.00' : $PrecioExt) . "</td>";
                $html .="<td>" . ($marcas == "" ? 'Sin marca' : $marcas) . "</td></tr>";

asked by JuanF_Romero 07.11.2016 в 22:04

2 answers


I answer your question about how to navigate a table, I understand that you want to do it with JavaScript:

function foreach(root, selector, callback) {
   if (typeof selector == 'string') {
      var all = root.querySelectorAll(selector);
      for (var each = 0; each < all.length; each++) {
   } else {
      for (var each = 0; each < selector.length; each++) {
         foreach(root, selector[each], callback);

function walk(table) {
   var table = document.getElementById(table);
   var data = [];
   if (table) {
      foreach(table, 'tr:not(:first-child)', function(row) {
         var record = [];
         foreach(row, 'td', function(cell) {
   /* data contiene los datos de la tabla */
   console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 3));
   return data;
<table id="table">

<button onclick="walk('table')">Recorrer</button>

I hope it helps you.

answered by 08.11.2016 в 16:30

It can probably be easier:

function getcoordValue(){
  var coords = document.getElementById('coordsInput').value.split(',');
  var x = parseInt(coords[0]) - 1;
  var y = parseInt(coords[1]) - 1;
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>TODO supply a title</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <input id="coordsInput" placeholder="coords"/>
    <button onclick="getcoordValue()">get value</button>
answered by 11.11.2016 в 14:06