If you are using SQL Server, you could use the CONVERT () or CAST
You convert the DateTime type that throws SYSDATETIME () to the varchar type and in the same function CONVERT send as a third parameter the type of format you want to give the date.
For the dd / mm / yyyy format it's 103
For the format hh: mm: ss it is 8 (24h)
If you do not find the format you need, you could play with other T-SQL functions to give the format you need.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar , SYSDATETIME(), 103)+' '+CONVERT(varchar , SYSDATETIME(), 8) AS ActualDate;
SELECT CONVERT(varchar , SYSDATETIME(), 103)+' '+LEFT(RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar , @FECHA_ACTUAL, 9),17), LEN(RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar , @FECHA_ACTUAL, 9),17)) - 10)+RIGHT(RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar , @FECHA_ACTUAL, 9),17),2) AS ActualDate;