How can I get the serial number or the CPU ID using C in linux?
is #include <cpuid.h>
A sample code would be very helpful.
Thank you.
How can I get the serial number or the CPU ID using C in linux?
is #include <cpuid.h>
A sample code would be very helpful.
Thank you.
There is a answer made by @AndreHolzner on site SO, where you specify:
This is what the Linux kernel seems to use:
static inline void native_cpuid(unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
/* ecx is often an input as well as an output. */
asm volatile("cpuid"
: "=a" (*eax),
"=b" (*ebx),
"=c" (*ecx),
"=d" (*edx)
: "0" (*eax), "2" (*ecx));
What one can use, for example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
unsigned eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
eax = 1; /* processor info and feature bits */
native_cpuid(&eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
printf("stepping %d\n", eax & 0xF);
printf("model %d\n", (eax >> 4) & 0xF);
printf("family %d\n", (eax >> 8) & 0xF);
printf("processor type %d\n", (eax >> 12) & 0x3);
printf("extended model %d\n", (eax >> 16) & 0xF);
printf("extended family %d\n", (eax >> 20) & 0xFF);
/* EDIT */
eax = 3; /* processor serial number */
native_cpuid(&eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
/** see the CPUID Wikipedia article on which models return the serial
number in which registers. The example here is for
Pentium III */
printf("serial number 0x%08x%08x\n", edx, ecx);