How to make an if in linq


How can I make a if within Linq for example I have the code:

lstParentLines = dbContext.Packages.Select(p => new SummaryViewModel
    Id = p.Id,
    Package = p.Name,
    CurrentTotal = budgMonthDetails.Where(bm => bm.CostCenterId == costCenterId     &&).Sum(bm => (decimal?)bm.Total) ?? 0,
    PreviousForecast = budgMonthDetails
                       .Where(bm => bm.CostCenterId == costCenterId )
                       .Sum(bm => (decimal?)bm.Forecast) ?? 0,
    VarTotalVSFrcst = (decimal?)(budgMonthDetails
                       .Where(bm => bm.CostCenterId == costCenterId)
                       .Sum(bm => (decimal?)bm.Total) ?? 0) /  ((budgMonthDetails.Where(bm => bm.CostCenterId == costCenterId).Sum(bm => bm.Forecast))) ?? 0

So if bm.Total is zero the division is: bm.Forecast between bm.Total

But if bm.Total is greater than zero, the division is: bm.Total between bm.forecast

asked by waldemar 30.09.2016 в 20:19

2 answers


Use the full syntax for lambda

.Select(x => 
    var model = new Model();

    if (<condicion>) 
        model.Total = // Lo que necesites

    return model;

Notice that in addition to the symbol => I'm also using { } and return .

Lambda are regular methods with the detail that there is an abbreviated form that is the most used.

 x => x * x

Equivalent to

x =>
    // aquí puede haber más código
    return x * x;
answered by 30.09.2016 в 20:48

the syntax would be this:

if (condicionACumplir)
    variable = variable.Where(p => p.At == At);

Your code would look something like this:

   VarTotalVSFrcst = bm.Forecast/bm.Total;

   VarTotalVSFrcst = bm.Total/bm.Forecast;

answered by 30.09.2016 в 20:45