I have a problem between the controller of an application and a template twig, what I do is to convert a field from one row of the database to UTF8 , and then send an array to the view and that field I get well formatted.
Driver and twig code:
foreach ($articles as $key):
foreach ($key as $a => $b):
$articles1[] = array($a,utf8_decode($b));
article is an array that returns a query to the database and which contains the following:
$articles1 = array(4) {
[0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "titulo" [1]=> string(43) "texto1" }
[1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "url" [1]=> string(43) "example-url" }
[2]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "titulo" [1]=> string(43) "texto2" }
[3]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "url" [1]=> string(43) "example-url2" }
The problem occurs when I pass this array to the view:
return $this->render('bundlecualquiera:articles:slide.html.twig', **array('articles1'=>$articles1));
This is the view where I apparently go through the array and only take the title as an example:
**{% for user in articles1 %}
{% endfor %}****
The error it shows is: Key "title" for array with keys "0, 1" does not exist in .. (template).
It should look like this:
$articulos = array(2) {
[0]=> array(3) {
["url"]=> string(16) "url-exmple"
["titulo"]=> string(47) "titulo de articulo"
["imagen"]=> string(23) "imagen.jpg" }
[1]=> array(3) {
["url"]=> string(19) "url-example 2"
["titulo"]=> string(39) "titulo de artiulo"
["imagen"]=> string(20) "imagen.jpg" }
Once the conversion to UTF8 has been made. But it remains as shown above ..:
$articles1 = array(4) {
[0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "titulo" [1]=> string(43) "texto1" }
[1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "url" [1]=> string(43) "example-url" }
[2]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "titulo" [1]=> string(43) "texto2" }
[3]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "url" [1]=> string(43) "example-url2" }
How can I make the array that returns me this way?
I would really appreciate it because I do not see how to do it.