We are going to an easy solution. Run a task (which is inside a function) that runs on a specific date and time:
"use strict";
function tarea(){
console.log('acá va la tarea', new Date());
function lanzarElDia(momento, tarea){
console.log('lanzado',new Date());
console.log('para ser ejecutado en',momento);
setTimeout(tarea, momento.getTime()-(new Date()).getTime());
lanzarElDia(new Date('2016-06-10 20:29'), tarea);
Run every day at a certain time
If instead we want to execute a task every day at 21:10 we must calculate how many milliseconds are missing for that moment:
"use strict";
function tarea(){
console.log('acá va la tarea', new Date());
function lanzarSiempreALaHora(hora, minutos, tarea){
var ahora = new Date();
var momento = new Date(ahora.getFullYear(), ahora.getMonth(), ahora.getDate(), hora, minutos);
if(momento<=ahora){ // la hora era anterior a la hora actual, debo sumar un día
momento = new Date(momento.getTime()+1000*60*60*24);
console.log('para ser ejecutado en',momento);
lanzarSiempreALaHora(21,10, tarea);
When the date of the machine is changed
The problem is when you change the date or time of the machine. To do this, you should have a timer that controls every minute (or every x seconds, according to the precision you want) if you have reached the desired time.
There are no guarantees (with setTimeout or with any cron) that something will be executed exactly on a schedule, the only thing that is known is that it will be executed after the appointed time and as soon as possible close to that time.