AngularJS: Edit item of a Table in a Modal


I'm working on a small project with a Java back-end and front-end with AngularJS and Materialize.

I already have the whole back-end running (tested with Rest-client), the problem that I have at this moment is the following:

I have a data grid, where the Edit and Delete options are shown for each item, as shown below: For the option Edit, the idea is that the selected item is loaded in a Modal and from there make the modifications (typical case).

I have the following codified for this purpose, but I have the following observations:

The selected object is loaded into the controller correctly

  • The selected item (object) is loaded correctly in the controller
  • The modal does not load with <a></a> or with <button></button>
  • Column of options in the table (Delete works correctly, but I know what will happen when you want to show a confirmation dialog)

    <tr ng-repeat="pln in plannings">
        <a href="#edit_modal" ng-click="editar(pln)" class="modal-trigger"><i class="material-icons">edit</i></a>
        <a href="" ng-click="eliminar(pln.alertId)"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>

    Controller in the controller the object arrives correctly, the alert shows the attribute with its data

    $scope.editar = function(planningObj) {
        $scope.sqlQuery = planningObj.alertSqlQuery;

    The Modal I'm defining it this way

    <div id="edit_modal" class="modal modal-fixed-footer">

    So the id of the modal corresponds to the href if I use <a></a> or with the attribute data-target if I use <button></button>

    And as the Materialize documentation says, I initialize the trigger event like this:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        // the "href" attribute of .modal-trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered
            dismissible : false, // Modal can be dismissed by clicking outside of the modal
            opacity : .5, // Opacity of modal background
            in_duration : 300, // Transition in duration
            out_duration : 200

    The problem in particular is that Modal does not load, it does not show, it does not appear. I feel that I have followed the suggested steps according to the Materialize documentation, but maybe I need some detail with AngularJS, since in another location of the application (Add records) if the modal is shown correctly.


    Well, as recommended to me by @devconcept I took a look at angular-materialize , and following the instructions who provides the documentation has worked!

    I have also removed from my JavaScript all calls to $document.ready that were placed because the Materialize documentation is required for the component to work properly, but with the use of angular-materialize are no longer necessary.

    My specific line happened to be this:

    <a href="#edit_modal" ng-click="editar(pln)" class="modal-trigger">

    to this:

    <a href="#edit_modal" ng-click="editar(pln)" modal>

    it was just a matter of adding the modal directive

    With this resolved, it remains to be seen what else can come out. While I get to it, thank you very much for the help.

    asked by Rosendo Ropher 08.03.2016 в 20:54

    1 answer


    You are focusing poorly on solving your problem. In angular there is no need to call $document.ready or $(document).ready since the framework has its own initialization process using angular.bootstrap or ng-app


    Angular initializes automatically upon DOMContentLoaded event or when the angular.js script is evaluated if at that time document.readyState is set to 'complete'

    So the framework will wait for all the scripts to load to execute the code of your application (controllers, factories, etc).

    When you find a case like yours is a clear symptom that you must use services and / or directives to operate the third-party plugins that you want to use. In your case I have one in link and it brings support for modals

    <tr ng-repeat="pln in plannings">
        <a href="#edit_modal" ng-click="editar(pln)" modal><i class="material-icons">edit</i></a>

    Using the modal directive you can create a modal trigger and the html of the modal should structure it as always.

    answered by 09.03.2016 в 22:01