I have a problem I can not save a complete insert in a txt, I save it but it saves the parameters not the real values, this is my code
if (!dao.success) throw new Exception(dao.message);
//Leer metadatos: Tabla y Campos
string insert = String.Empty;
string param = String.Empty;
string tableName = String.Empty;
string nombreTable = String.Empty;
string delete = String.Empty;
object value = null;
//DateTime fecha;
//fecha = DateTime.Now;
string fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
List<Tuple<string, int, object>> tuplas = null;
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
if (!tableName.Equals(row["TableName"].ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
//Guardar datos en las listas
insert = insert.Substring(0, insert.Length - 1) + ") ";
param = param.Substring(0, param.Length - 1) + ")";
select = select.Substring(0, select.Length - 1) + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE FECHA_MODIFICACION <=" + "'" + fecha + "'";
inserts.Add(insert + param);
dao.respaldoRegistrosLog(inserts, selects, tableName, fecha);
tableName = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
tableName = row["TableName"].ToString();
tuplas = new List<Tuple<string, int, object>>();
//List<object> value = new List<object>(); //OBTENER LISTA DE LOG (Registros)
insert = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " ("; //generaSQL(tableName, tuplas);
param = "VALUES (";
select = "SELECT ";
delete = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE FECHA_MODIFICACION <=" + "'" + fecha + "'";
nombreTable = "SELECT a.name FROM sys.objects AS a WHERE a.type = 'U' AND a.name LIKE '%_LOG' ORDER BY a.name";
insert += row["ColumnName"].ToString() + ",";
select += row["ColumnName"].ToString() + ",";
param += "@P" + row["ColumnOrder"].ToString() + ",";
//int columnorder = Convert.ToInt32(row["ColumnOrder"]) - 1;
in this part of the code I assemble the insert with the parameters
and in this other code it is assumed that you should save it in the txt.
origen = new SqlConnection(conexionOrigen);
int a = 0;
string respaldoLog = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["rutaRespaldoArchivo"];
string rutaCompleta = respaldoLog + "/" + tableName + "_" + fecha + ".txt";
foreach (DataRow row in db.Rows)
byte loop = 0;
cmd = new SqlCommand(inserts[index]);
cmd.Connection = origen;
foreach (DataColumn dc in db.Columns)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(rutaCompleta, true))
string nombreParametro = prefijoParametro + (dc.Ordinal + 1).ToString();
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(nombreParametro, row[dc.Ordinal]);
file.WriteLine(cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(nombreParametro, row[dc.Ordinal]));
} while (loop < 3);
If someone has any idea or any page to guide me, I would appreciate it.