Good morning when doing the edition of a record that is the total of the invoice I get the price as well; 1,500.00 € which is as I want, but when editing the record as I get 1,500.00, if I do not edit it becomes 1.00 € and if I edit it but leaving the "." also happens the same, oslo works if I delete the field and put again 15000. This field in SQL I have it as decimal(10,2)
and then in the query to make it look good I do so:
SELECT DATE_FORMAT((pedidos.Fecha),'%d/%m/%Y') Fecha, AS pedID, DATE_FORMAT((pedidos.Vencimiento),'%d/%m/%Y')
Vencimiento, pedidos.Producto AS idPr, pedidos.Tipo,
FORMAT(pedidos.Total, 2) Total, pedidos.Estado,,
productos.producto, productos.alias, Usuarios.IdUsuario AS idUs,
FROM pedidos, productos, Usuarios WHERE
pedidos.Producto = AND pedidos.Iduser =
If you notice the fomateo with this FORMAT(pedidos.Total, 2) Total,
In the record edition it looks like this:
$id = $_POST['eIdp'];
$cliente = $_POST['eIDCliente'];
$producto = $_POST['select2-2'];
$eFecha = $_POST['eFecha'];
$eVencimiento = $_POST['eVencimiento'];
$estado = $_POST['select2-1'];
$tipo = $_POST['select2-4'];
$total = $_POST['eTotal'];
$resultes = "Update pedidos Set Fecha='$eFecha',
Vencimiento='$eVencimiento', Estado='$estado',
Producto='$producto', Tipo='$tipo', Total='$total'
where id= $id";
if ( !mysqli_multi_query($mysqli, $resultes)) {
die( 'Error: ' . mysqli_error() );