Sum of values in tables and show the result


I have a MySQL table, with Customer ID, Initial Due, Date and Subscription I need to make a query that adds all the values with the same id of the table and shows it in a new column, in the row of its related id.


CI | Deu_Inc | Fecha | Abonos
1 | 100.00 | 1-2-18 | 20
1 | 100.00 | 2-3-18 | 50
2 | 600.00 | 1-2-18 | 30
2 | 600.00 | 2-3-18 | 50
3 | 120.60 | 1-2-18 | 60
3 | 120.60 | 2-3-18 | 20

Desired result:

CI | Deu_Inc | suma | Total
1 | 100.00 | 70 | 30
2 | 600.00 | 80 | 520
3 | 120.60 | 80 | 40.60

asked by luis arce 02.09.2018 в 03:56

2 answers


Following the original approach to the problem, I propose the following solution.


1.- Aggregation functions SUM()
  2.- GROUP BY for grouping equal columns

SELECT CI AS id, DeudaInicial, SUM(Abonos) AS suma,
(DeudaInicial) - (SUM(Abonos)) AS Total
FROM data
| id   | DeudaInicial | suma | Total    |
|    1 | 100.00       | 70   | 30.00    |
|    2 | 600.00       | 80   | 520.00   |
|    3 | 120.60       | 80   | 40.60    |
  • If you notice, I do a GROUP BY() of the column CI to which I put an alias called id
  • Then the column DeudaInicial minus the column SUM(Abonos) remains to have just there the value of the sum made at the beginning   requested
  • The group by() I do so that the values of the column CI that have the alias id are grouped by coincidence and when there is   more than one do not show repeated


    Just consider that I use a table with the name data, you must put the name of the table you are using

    answered by 02.09.2018 в 04:25

    It would be;

    select CI, Deuda, sum(Abonos) 'suma Abonos', Deuda - sum(Abonos) as total 
    from  'deudas'
    group by CI

    Now, you have a problem in the initial table, you should separate the Debts from the Subscriptions, something like:

    Deudas (CI, DeudaInicial)
    Abonos (fk_CI, Fecha, Abono)

    And in this case it would be:

    select D.CI, D.Deuda, sum(A.Abono) 'suma Abonos', D.Deuda - sum(A.Abono) as total 
    from  'Deudas' D
    Inner Join Abonos A on D.CI = A.fk_CI
    group by D.CI
    answered by 02.09.2018 в 04:24