It turns out that I have a file, in which to save the surveys and questions (columns) for example:
opinion|date |¿Tienes coche?|Color coche|¿Tienes móvil?|Tipo_contrato|Seguro hogar
Coches |28/08/18| Si |Rojo | | |
Movil |28/08/18| | |Si |Fijo |
Hogar |28/08/18| | | | |No
And I want to partition the file according to the type of opinion and discard the other columns, for example if I give birth to Car , create a file with the questions of that survey
opinion|date |¿Tienes coche?|Color coche|
Coches |28/08/18| Si |Rojo |
I was doing this process with python, using pandas.
How can I do this process?