I am trying to multiply a data frame by reference so I am using a dictionary to multiply it. When I try to fill my dictionary with the values in Excel rows I can not convert the values to float since they are unicode. I am using Python 2.7.10, can someone tell me some efficient way to convert from unicode to float?
import pandas as pd
#convertir el archivo de excel en un marco de datos
df = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Pedro/Desktop/dataframe.xls")
#llenar el diccionario con las llaves y sus valores. este sera el marcos df2
d = {"M1-4":0.60,"M1-5/R10":0.85,"C5-3":0.85,"M1-5/R7-3":0.85,"M1-4/R7A":0.85,"R7A":0.85,"M1-4/R6A":0.85,"M1-4/R6B":0.85,"R6A":0.85,"PARK":0.20,"M1-6/R10":0.85,"R6B":0.85,"R9":0.85,"M1-5/R9":0.85}
#Convertir el diccionario en archivo de Excel
df5 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')
#llenar el diccionario con un archivo de excel
df2 = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Pedro/Desktop/bob_dict.xlsx")
#Convertir el marco de datos a un diccionario.
dictionary = df2.to_dict(orient='dict')
#multiplicar el diccionario como referencia.
b = df.filter(like ='Value').values
c = df.filter(like ='ZONE').replace(dictionary).astype(float).values
df['pro_cum'] = ((c * b).sum(axis =1))
when I run the code it gives me the error:
ValueError: RAB string could not be converted to a float.
This is the framework with which I work df
HP ZONE Value ZONE1 Value1
3 R7A 0.7009 M1-4/R6B 0.00128
2 R6A 0.5842 M1-4/R7A 0.00009
7 M1-6/R10 0.1909 M1-4/R6A 0.73576
9 R6B 0.6919 PARK 0.03459
6 PARK 1.0400 M1-4/R6A 0.33002
9.3 M1-4/R6A 0.7878 PARK 0.59700
10.6 M1-4/R6B 0.0291 R6A 0.29621
11.9 R9 0.0084 M1-4 0.00058
13.2 M1-5/R10 0.0049 M1-4 0.65568
14.5 M1-4/R7A 0.0050 C5-3 0.00096
15.8 M1-5/R7-3 0.0189 C5-3 1.59327
17.1 M1-5/R9 0.3296 M1-4/R6B 0.43918
18.4 C5-3 0.5126 R6B 0.20835
19.7 M1-4 0.5126 PARK 0.22404