Use of group_concat with eagger loading in Laravel


I have to return in a table in HTML, the name of the user and the   names of posts; however, I have registered more than one post   user; for which I require to use group_concat() for   put them in a single cell; I'm trying it this way, but I'm not   I get back no data from the posts table

public function listado()
        $data = User::with(['posts' => function($query){
            $query->select(DB::raw("GROUP_CONCAT(namePost SEPARATOR '-') as 'N'"));
        return view('posts')->with(['data' => $data]);

I know I'm not invoking the posts table, but I do not know how to do it; I would appreciate your help

In SQL I do it this way and it's functional

MariaDB [blog]> select users.nameUser, GROUP_CONCAT(posts.namePost) AS N
    -> FROM users
    -> JOIN posts
    -> ON = posts.user_id
    -> GROUP BY users.nameUser;

I make the clarification that within Eloquent I am making use of eagger loading; why do you work with the hasMany() and belongsTo() relationships?


The result I'm looking for is something like that

| nameUser | N             |
| alfa     | PHP 7,MySQL 8 |
| beta     | HTML 5        |
asked by element 26.08.2018 в 02:38

1 answer


Responding to my own publication, I chose not to do so with eagger loading and the relaciones offered by Laravel; then I mixed the ORM and functions of Fluent the query Builder

The result of the query I got is the following

$data = User::select('users.nameUser')
    ->selectRaw('GROUP_CONCAT(namePost) AS Listado')
    ->join('posts', '', '=', posts.user_id)

The selectRaw() method allows me to execute SQL functions that do not exist within the ORM natively


The SelectRaw () method can be used instead of DB :: Raw () to   carry out the creation of queries in SQL language    reference

answered by 20.09.2018 / 04:06