Is there any way I can create those two fields from my console and how can I do it?
I must clarify that the database was already created for me, now I have to implement it in this framework
Is there any way I can create those two fields from my console and how can I do it?
I must clarify that the database was already created for me, now I have to implement it in this framework
The fields created_at
and updated_at
are optional if you do not want to use for example the function of soft delete
that Laravel has to make logical deletion of data, but above all it depends on what you are solving, your own logic of business will indicate whether or not you need those fields
However, if you require that these columns appear in your table, it can be done as follows, taking into account that:
Based on this example, I suggest you guide yourself
Original structure of the example table
MariaDB [demon]> describe amigos;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| numero | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| name | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| username | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| status_amigo | tinyint(1) | NO | | NULL | |
| user_id | bigint(20) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
With the ALTER statement we are going to add the following column that would be created_at, we will use AFTER to indicate after which column we want it
MariaDB [demon]> ALTER TABLE amigos ADD created_at DATETIME AFTER user_id;
The following will repeat the steps but now for the column updated_at also with the AFTER statement to indicate where we want it to be
MariaDB [demon]> ALTER TABLE amigos ADD updated_at DATETIME AFTER created_at;
With the final result, the following
MariaDB [demo]> describe amigos;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| numero | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| name | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| username | varchar(100) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| status_amigo | tinyint(1) | NO | | NULL | |
| user_id | bigint(20) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| created_at | datetime | YES | | NULL | |
| updated_at | datetime | YES | | NULL | |