I wanted to do a multiple filtering by url with the API Django Rest Framework that is to say that for example type www.domain.com/clientes/Nike/ES and return me all Nike customers from Spain, the thing is that I do not know how to cross the tables, right now I have managed to filter by id www.domain.com/clientes/1 / the thing is that Nike is not the id of your table and ES is not the id of your table, and I do not know how to filter by different fields other than the id and cross tables to return the JSON with the fields that I am interested in, it does not I miss the whole brand but you give me your name or the desired field in particular.
api / views.py
class ClienteViewset(ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = ClienteSerializer
queryset = ClienteModel.object.all()
lookup_field = 'cliente_id'
cliente_list = ClienteViewset.as_view({'get': 'list'})
cliente_detail = ClienteViewset.as_view({'get': 'retrieve'})
api / urls.py
router.register(r'clientes', ClienteViewset)
urlpatterns = patterns('api.views',
url(r'^', include(router.urls))
class ClienteSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Cliente
fields = ('cliente_id', 'cliente_nombre', 'cliente_apellidos')
If anyone knows how I can do it, it would be very helpful, even with the objects nested inside the JSON.
The thing is that I have a quite complex database in terms of relations, since I have texts by languages, brands, etc ...