Laravel Bring data of the model grouped by months


Hello, I have the following table in the DB


id | name | precio | fecha_compra

I would like to bring the total price of all purchased fruits grouped by months using eloquent or querybuuilder

the result that is but is the following:

   "Enero" : "338$",
   "Febrero" : "555$",
   "Diciembre" : "100$"
asked by kevin au tam 27.06.2018 в 23:06

2 answers



$frutas= Fruta::select(
            DB::raw('sum(precio) as sums'),
            DB::raw("DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%M %Y') as months")
answered by 28.06.2018 в 00:14

I propose the following solution with Fluent the QueryBuilder of Laravel

$data = Fruta::
        select(DB::raw("name, mes, SUM(precio) as count"))
        ->orderBy('mes', 'DESC')
    return $data;

It should be noted that since we are going to use Fluent, in the upper part   you have to import the DB Facade namespace; as follows

use DB;
answered by 27.06.2018 в 23:18