I am using the php word library in my project with laravel, it works correctly, what I do is use a word template and add values using TemplateProcessor, the problem that I present is when I want to write a dynamic array in the word template, that contains the values of a query to the bd. the arrangement is: nombreacti1 ['futbol', 'swimming', 'baseball'].
I am trying it in the following way, I attach the code:
$sqlclientes="SELECT * FROM datos_clientes";
$datos_clientes = DB::select($sqlclientes);
foreach ($datos_clientes as $datos_cli) {
$objetivo_ =$datos_cli->objetivo_;
$referencia_= $datos_cli->referencia_;
//Aqui creamos el word con texto de prueba
// Abriendo la plantilla
$TemplateProcessor= new TemplateProcessor(Storage_path('Estudio_Conexion.docx'));
return response()->download('cot1.docx');
In the word I assign the variable activities as follows:
I would like that array to be inserted as a list in that part of the document, but doing so in this way throws me an error (Array to string conversion) and the damaged download document.